Mobility Matters
Thank you for visiting the website of Associate Professor Michael Wyatt. Michael is an orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in the diagnosis & treatment of conditions that can affect your mobility & enjoyment of life. Michael recognises that every person is unique. From enjoying a simple stroll along a deserted beach, to the playing of a demanding sport, each patient has different needs. Yet the core requirement is essentially the same, to mitigate pain & to restore mobility. So Michael believes in the importance of undertaking a detailed consultation with his patients & he is committed to the deployment of cutting-edge operative technology where appropriate. You are always welcome to contact us directly at our friendly practice to learn more.
Hip Replacement & Knee Replacement have become routine orthopaedic procedures that can deliver important benefits to patients who are experiencing pain & stiffness from these joints. Michael likes to compliment his extensive joint replacement expertise with sophisticated planning & implant placement innovations. For example, Robotic replacement of diseased joints is a recent advance that is no longer the exclusive domain of the major centres. Indeed, with the arrival at Mayo Private Hospital of a sophisticated Mako Robot (April 9th 2024) he is now able to augment his extensive surgical expertise with this specialist enabling technology.
For the convenience of patients clinics are held in Taree, Forster & Newcastle. Whatever your problem with hip, knee, hands or feet Michael & his team are committed to providing a professional & caring orthopaedic practice, where contemporary solutions are underpinned by academic rigour. Michael's doctoral thesis was on the vital subject of ‘optimising outcomes after total hip replacement’ so he has a real passion for improving the lives of those whose joints are causing them pain, immobility, & unhappiness:
Hip Replacement & Knee Replacement have become routine orthopaedic procedures that can deliver important benefits to patients who are experiencing pain & stiffness from these joints. Michael likes to compliment his extensive joint replacement expertise with sophisticated planning & implant placement innovations. For example, Robotic replacement of diseased joints is a recent advance that is no longer the exclusive domain of the major centres. Indeed, with the arrival at Mayo Private Hospital of a sophisticated Mako Robot (April 9th 2024) he is now able to augment his extensive surgical expertise with this specialist enabling technology.
For the convenience of patients clinics are held in Taree, Forster & Newcastle. Whatever your problem with hip, knee, hands or feet Michael & his team are committed to providing a professional & caring orthopaedic practice, where contemporary solutions are underpinned by academic rigour. Michael's doctoral thesis was on the vital subject of ‘optimising outcomes after total hip replacement’ so he has a real passion for improving the lives of those whose joints are causing them pain, immobility, & unhappiness:
Optimised Joint ReplacementJoint replacement is the more frequently used term for joint arthroplasty. Its purpose is to provide three main benefits - pain relief, mobility, & time. Put simply we want to get you back to enjoying life as fully as possible, & for as long as possible. Important advances in the technology of imaging allow us extraordinary insights into the individual patient's anatomy. We can now gaze into their own unique situation & gain valuable planning insights. The adjacent illustration is stylized but it does show the kind of visual information that is available when seeking to help patients with hip, knee, & other orthopaedic problems.
Combined with adjunctive assistance from the Mako Robot our mission is to optimise the hip replacement & the knee replacement in Taree, Forster & now Newcastle, at the Lingard Private Hospital. So geographically our practice is expanding & we look forward to providing the same caring service & commitment to excellence for patients further South. Michael currently performs knee surgery with Mako & you can learn a little more via the brief video below. Underneath the video we have provided some quick links to key parts of the website so you can easily access the hip, knee, & other orthopaedic problems sections. Our core philosophy is the development of an orthopaedic practice that is not just highly competent, but one that is approachable & friendly. Enquiries to Associate Professor Michael Wyatt's team are always welcome & for your assistance we have provided a 'quick link' button to the contact page below. We are always committed to helping you - because mobility matters: